Independence Day is a day that is always awaited by every citizen throughout the world. Almost all groups in a country will celebrate it in various ways. Commemoration of the Independence Day is one way for citizens to remember the times of struggle to achieve independence during the colonial era. The commemoration of the Independence Day is a momentum that encourages the nation's successors to foster a spirit of nationalism, which ignites a feeling of love for the country and a spirit of patriotism.
Indonesia has a long history of efforts to gain independence. Indonesia's great potential as a superpower in terms of natural resources, human resources and cultural resources triggers other nations to master all the potential that Indonesia has. This caused Indonesia to have to achieve independence with great difficulty by risking time, money, energy and even lives.
A great nation is a nation that wants to appreciate and honor the services of its heroes. It is our collective obligation as successors to continue to fulfill the independence that was fought for by the heroes, one way of which is by taking an active role in national development. One of the important sectors in national development today is the tourism sector.
Indonesia is an archipelagic country that has thousands of islands stretching from Sabang to Merauke. One of them is Pari Island which has high natural potential and is a natural tourist destination that is worth visiting. This island is one of 105 small islands in the waters of the Seribu Islands.
In order to commemorate and celebrate the 79th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia, ORARI Local East Jakarta will carry out a DXpedition activity to Pari Island. This DXpedition activity, apart from enlivening the celebration of the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia, is also to promote the beauty of Pari Island to all corners of the world via amateur radio with the call sign 7E79RI.
Through this DXpedition activity, it is hoped that it can strengthen relations between fellow radio amateurs and between radio amateurs and the community in general, and can also be useful in developing tourism on Pari Island in particular and Indonesia in general.